C-SPAN 3 TV Schedule

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May 19, 2020

  • Religious Influence on U.S. Politics

  • American Artifacts: Pocahontas & American Indian Imagery

  • U.S. Politics & Government in the 1790s

  • BackStory Podcast Behind-the-Scenes

  • Latino Americans & U.S. Politics

  • Religious Influence on U.S. Politics

  • Reel America: "Army in Action - The Spreading Holocaust" - 1965

  • BackStory Podcast Behind-the-Scenes

  • Latino Americans & U.S. Politics

  • Religious Influence on U.S. Politics

  • Reel America: "The Silent Invader" - 1957

  • Reel America: "Sniffles and Sneezes" - 1955

  • Reel America: "We Heard the Bells, The Influenza of 1918"

  • Reel America: "Mission, Measles - The Story of a Vaccine" - 1964

  • Reel America: "The Distant Drummer, Bridge from No Place" - 1969

  • Reel America: "Distant Drummer, A Movable Scene" - 1970

  • Reel America: "The Army Nurse - Soldier of Mercy"

  • Reel America: "Medical Service in the Invasion of Normandy" - 1944

  • Influenza Pandemic & World War I

  • AHTV - 1972 Presidential Campaign - McGovern Election Eve Program

  • Reel America: "Ronald Reagan, Citizen Governor" - 1968

  • Pat Oliphant's Political Cartoons - LBJ to Reagan

  • Reel America: "Hell-Bent for Election" - 1944

  • American Artifacts: Off the Record Bar Political Cartoons

  • Pat Oliphant's Political Cartoons - Bush to Obama

  • American Artifacts: Herblock Political Cartoons

  • Lectures in History: American Cartoons in World War II

  • Reel America: "What Makes Us Tick" - 1952

  • Reel America: "Brotherhood of Man" - 1947

  • Reel America: "Meet King Joe" - 1949