C-SPAN 3 TV Schedule

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May 23, 2020

  • Jacqueline Kennedy Televised White House Tour

  • Interpreting Abraham Lincoln

  • Reel America: Franklin Roosevelt Funeral United Newsreel - 1945

  • Reel America: "The Eternal Fight" - 1948

  • Reel America: "The Fight Against the Communicable Diseases" - 1950

  • Race & the Vietnam War

  • Reel America: May 1945 United Newsreel

  • Thomas Jefferson on Declaring Independence

  • Gardening at Monticello

  • 1919 "Black Sox" World Series Fix

  • Brian Lamb, Susan Swain, James Traub, Peter Drummey, "The Presidents"

  • Controversial and Unconventional U.S. Army Leaders

  • Stalin's Correspondence with Roosevelt & Churchill

  • American Artifacts: 101st Airborne World War II Living History Camp

  • History Bookshelf: Stephen Coss, "The Fever of 1721"

  • American Relief Administration & 1921-22 Soviet Famine

  • The Civil War: Ulysses S. Grant

  • Origins of Woodrow Wilson's Foreign Policy

  • Lectures in History: Nixon, Ford & the Constitution

  • Wyoming Women's Suffrage

  • Reel America: "Welcome Home" - 1945

  • Reel America: "Victory Round-Up" - May 1945 United Newsreel

  • Reel America: "Discover America" - 1967

  • Reel America: "Wonderful World" - 1959

  • American Artifacts: The Road to Berlin Part 1

  • Lectures in History: Nixon, Ford & the Constitution

  • Reel America: "Welcome Home" - 1945

  • Reel America: "Victory Round-Up" - May 1945 United Newsreel

  • History Bookshelf: Stephen Coss, "The Fever of 1721"

  • American Relief Administration & 1921-22 Soviet Famine

  • The Civil War: Ulysses S. Grant

  • Origins of Woodrow Wilson's Foreign Policy

  • Lectures in History: Nixon, Ford & the Constitution