C-SPAN 3 TV Schedule

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June 3, 2020

  • Herbert Hoover, FDR & World War II Relief Aid

  • World War I-Era German Hunger

  • Q&A: Richard Norton Smith

  • Confirmation Hearing for U.S. Postal Service Posts & Other Nominations

  • Campaign 2020: Interview with Pennsylvania Political Reporter Laura Olson

  • Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell Discusses the Economy & Coronavirus Pandemic

  • New York Gov. Cuomo Holds Briefing on Protests & Coronavirus Pandemic

  • Defense Secretary Mark Esper on Protests Across America

  • Discussion on Space & the U.S. Military

  • Rep. Al Green

  • White House Domestic Policy Council Acting Director Discusses President's Agenda With Politico

  • Campaign 2020: Interview with Pennsylvania Political Reporter Laura Olson

  • Hearing on COVID-19 Impact on Transportation & Critical Infrastructure

  • House Select Subcommittee Hearing on the Coronavirus and Cities

  • Discussion on Regulation Reduction After COVID-19

  • Reel America: "A National Program in the Tennessee Valley" - 1936

  • Lectures in History: Abundance, Wages & the Great Depression

  • History Bookshelf: Kirstin Downey, "The Woman Behind the New Deal"

  • Lectures in History: Food During the Great Depression

  • Reel America: "We Work Again" - 1937

  • Racial Dynamics in the 1930s

  • Reel America: "Let's Go America!" - 1936

  • Free Enterprise & the New Deal

  • Reel America: "A Better Ohio" - 1937

  • Reel America: "A National Program in the Tennessee Valley" - 1936

  • Lectures in History: Abundance, Wages & the Great Depression

  • History Bookshelf: Kirstin Downey, "The Woman Behind the New Deal"

  • Lectures in History: Food During the Great Depression

  • Reel America: "We Work Again" - 1937

  • Racial Dynamics in the 1930s

  • Reel America: "Let's Go America!" - 1936

  • Free Enterprise & the New Deal