C-SPAN 3 TV Schedule

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July 30, 2020

  • Arthur Ashe Boulevard Dedication Ceremony

  • Secretary of State Pompeo Testifies on 2021 Budget Request

  • Rep. John Lewis Funeral Service

  • Secretary of State Pompeo Testifies on 2021 Budget Request - Part 1

  • President Trump Holds Coronavirus News Conference

  • President Trump Holds Coronavirus News Conference

  • Gov. Larry Hogan R-MD

  • Secretary of State Pompeo Remarks on China

  • House Appropriations Subcommittee Debates 2021 Legislative Branch Spending

  • 1960 Lunch Counter Sit-Ins

  • Reel America: The Story of the Greensboro Four"

  • Oral Histories: Esther Terry, Civil Rights History Project

  • Lectures in History: African American Women and the Civil Rights Movement

  • History Bookshelf: Civil Rights Movement

  • 1960 Lunch Counter Sit-Ins

  • Reel America: The Story of the Greensboro Four"

  • Oral Histories: Esther Terry, Civil Rights History Project

  • Lectures in History: African American Women and the Civil Rights Movement

  • History Bookshelf: Civil Rights Movement

  • 1960 Lunch Counter Sit-Ins