C-SPAN 3 TV Schedule

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August 12, 2020

  • Portraying Abraham Lincoln

  • JFK, Nuclear Arms Race & Civil Rights

  • Jefferson & the Federalists in Washington, DC

  • Congress, Political Parties & Polarization

  • Herbert Hoover & FDR Transition

  • Roosevelts & Kennedys - Political Relationships

  • Portraying Abraham Lincoln

  • JFK, Nuclear Arms Race & Civil Rights

  • Jefferson & the Federalists in Washington, DC

  • Congress, Political Parties & Polarization

  • Herbert Hoover & FDR Transition

  • Roosevelts & Kennedys - Political Relationships

  • Portraying Abraham Lincoln

  • JFK, Nuclear Arms Race & Civil Rights

  • Jefferson & the Federalists in Washington, DC

  • Congress, Political Parties & Polarization

  • Herbert Hoover & FDR Transition

  • Roosevelts & Kennedys - Political Relationships

  • Life of Hollywood Artist Milicent Patrick

  • Baseball & American Cities

  • World War II POW & Concentration Camp Escapes & Rescues

  • Allied Liberation of Paris

  • History of the Kansas City Mafia

  • Life of Hollywood Artist Milicent Patrick

  • Baseball & American Cities

  • World War II POW & Concentration Camp Escapes & Rescues

  • Allied Liberation of Paris

  • History of the Kansas City Mafia