C-SPAN 3 TV Schedule

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September 15, 2020

  • Documenting History Through Photography

  • American Artifacts: National Museum of the American Indian Photo Collections

  • Using Photographs to Study Western History

  • Arie Perliger

  • Campaign 2020: House Republicans Statement on Fall Agenda

  • Senate Hearing on College Athletes & Compensation

  • Key Capitol Hill Hearings

  • President Trump & Middle East Leaders Sign Abraham Accord

  • Atlantic Council Discussion with Secretary of State Pompeo

  • Rick Tyler

  • Senate Hearing on Google Online Ads & Market Competition

  • Washington Post Discussion with Sen. Rubio

  • Hearing on Global Trade & Online Censorship

  • American Artifacts: Newseum Tet Offensive Exhibit

  • 1970 Kent State Photographs

  • The Civil War: The Emancipation Legacy in Photos

  • World War II U.S. Army Signal Corps Photos

  • Lectures in History: The Cold War in American Photography

  • American Artifacts: Newseum Tet Offensive Exhibit

  • 1970 Kent State Photographs

  • The Civil War: The Emancipation Legacy in Photos

  • World War II U.S. Army Signal Corps Photos

  • Lectures in History: The Cold War in American Photography

  • 1970 Kent State Photographs

  • The Civil War: The Emancipation Legacy in Photos