C-SPAN 3 TV Schedule

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September 23, 2020

  • The Civil War: Understanding the Civil War

  • Debating & Removing Monuments

  • The Civil War: Confederate Monuments & Memorials

  • The Civil War: Confederate Monuments & Memorials

  • White House Coronavirus Task Force Members Testify on Latest Pandemic Response Efforts

  • Campaign 2020: Joe Biden Campaigns in Charlotte, NC

  • Supreme Court Memorial Service for Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg

  • CBO Director Phillip Swagel Testifies on Budget & Economic Outlook

  • House Democratic Leadership Holds News Conference

  • House Republican Leadership Holds News Conference

  • Prime Minister's Questions: 09/23/2020

  • Supreme Court Memorial Service for Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg

  • Terry Madonna

  • President Trumps Holds News Conference

  • OMB Deputy Federal CIO Speaks at Billington Cybersecurity Summit

  • President Trump Holds Discussion on Social Media

  • Mark Hugo Lopez

  • Thomas Jefferson on Declaring Independence

  • Gardening at Monticello

  • Interpreting Thomas Jefferson & Slavery

  • Jefferson, Lafayette & the French Revolution

  • Thomas Jefferson & George Washington

  • Thomas Jefferson's Papers

  • Thomas Jefferson's Image

  • Thomas Jefferson on Declaring Independence

  • Gardening at Monticello

  • Interpreting Thomas Jefferson & Slavery

  • Jefferson, Lafayette & the French Revolution

  • Thomas Jefferson & George Washington

  • Thomas Jefferson's Papers

  • Thomas Jefferson's Image

  • Gardening at Monticello