C-SPAN 3 TV Schedule

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October 2, 2020

  • History Bookshelf: Linda Hirshman, "Sisters in Law"

  • AHTV - Justice Brandeis Nomination 100th Anniversary

  • History Bookshelf: Linda Hirshman, "Sisters in Law"

  • House Hearing on DHS Intelligence Oversight

  • House Hearing on DHS Intelligence Oversight

  • Hearing on Sexual Harassment Issues in the Veterans Affairs Department

  • Hearing on Sexual Harassment Issues in the Veterans Affairs Department

  • House Hearing on Water Contamination at U.S. Military Bases

  • Senate Hearing on Wildfire & Forest Management

  • 1956 Southern Manifesto

  • Supreme Court Dissenting Opinions

  • U.S. Supreme Court During World War I

  • Remembering Justice Thurgood Marshall

  • Reel America: "World Charter Signed" - 1945

  • 1956 Southern Manifesto

  • Supreme Court Dissenting Opinions

  • U.S. Supreme Court During World War I

  • Remembering Justice Thurgood Marshall

  • Reel America: "World Charter Signed" - 1945

  • 1956 Southern Manifesto

  • Supreme Court Dissenting Opinions

  • U.S. Supreme Court During World War I

  • Remembering Justice Thurgood Marshall