C-SPAN 3 TV Schedule

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October 22, 2020

  • George McGovern 1972 Democratic National Convention

  • Reel America: 1972 McGovern for President Campaign Film

  • Reel America: Amendment to End the Vietnam War- 1970

  • Richard Nixon 1972 Republican National Convention

  • Discussion on Digital Media's Role in Politics and COVID-19 Misinformation

  • Atlantic Council Discussion on National Security

  • The Contenders: George McGovern

  • George McGovern 1972 Democratic National Convention

  • Reel America: 1972 McGovern for President Campaign Film

  • Reel America: Amendment to End the Vietnam War- 1970

  • Richard Nixon 1972 Republican National Convention

  • The Contenders: George McGovern

  • George McGovern 1972 Democratic National Convention

  • Reel America: 1972 McGovern for President Campaign Film

  • Reel America: Amendment to End the Vietnam War- 1970

  • Richard Nixon 1972 Republican National Convention

  • The Contenders: Ross Perot

  • Presidential Debates: 1992 Presidential Debate - Bush v. Clinton v. Perot

  • Presidential Debates: 1992 Presidential Candidates Debate

  • The Contenders: Ross Perot

  • Presidential Debates: 1992 Presidential Debate - Bush v. Clinton v. Perot

  • Presidential Debates: 1992 Presidential Candidates Debate

  • The Contenders: Ross Perot