C-SPAN 3 TV Schedule

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December 1, 2020

  • American Artifacts: Warren Commission Records

  • American Artifacts: JFK Assassination Records

  • Personal Perspectives

  • Discussion with Philanthropy Leaders at Reagan Institute Education Summit

  • Senators & House Members Introduce Bipartisan COVID-19 Relief Bill

  • Washington Post Discussion on Global Energy Challenges

  • The Hill Discussion on Diversity & Inclusion

  • Senators & House Members Introduce Bipartisan COVID-19 Relief Bill

  • State Dept. Policy Planning Director Discusses China Strategy

  • IRS Commissioner Charles Rettig Testifies Before House Ways & Means Subcommittee

  • Dr. David Gifford

  • German Marshall Fund Discussion on the Transatlantic Alliance

  • Atlantic Council Discussion on Afghanistan & Middle East Peace Policy

  • Axios Discussion on Health Equity

  • Women and the Apollo Program

  • Apollo's Political & Foreign Policy Impact

  • Reel America: Houston, We've Got a Problem"

  • Apollo Spacesuits

  • Geoscience Lessons from Apollo 11

  • Women and the Apollo Program

  • Apollo's Political & Foreign Policy Impact

  • Reel America: Houston, We've Got a Problem"

  • Apollo Spacesuits

  • Geoscience Lessons from Apollo 11