C-SPAN 3 TV Schedule

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December 22, 2020

  • Bush v. Gore 20 Years Later

  • History Bookshelf: 1876 Disputed Presidential Election

  • Lectures in History: Abraham Lincoln & the 1860 Election

  • Q&A: Presidential Transitions

  • Bush v. Gore 20 Years Later

  • History Bookshelf: 1876 Disputed Presidential Election

  • Lectures in History: Abraham Lincoln & the 1860 Election

  • Q&A: Presidential Transitions

  • Bush v. Gore 20 Years Later

  • History Bookshelf: 1876 Disputed Presidential Election

  • Lectures in History: Abraham Lincoln & the 1860 Election

  • Reel America: "The Cultured Christmas Tree" 1968

  • Mayflower Compact & Religious Liberty

  • Mayflower Compact & the Rule of Law

  • The Mayflower Compact, Property Rights & Free Market 

  • William Bradford & Plymouth Colony

  • Religion & the Massachusetts Bay Colony

  • Pilgrims and Liberty

  • Mayflower Compact & Religious Liberty

  • Mayflower Compact & the Rule of Law

  • The Mayflower Compact, Property Rights & Free Market 

  • William Bradford & Plymouth Colony

  • Religion & the Massachusetts Bay Colony

  • Pilgrims and Liberty