C-SPAN 3 TV Schedule

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November 18, 2023

  • Justices Hear Case on Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

  • McKay Coppins, "Romney - A Reckoning"

  • Steve Inskeep, "Differ We Must - How Lincoln Succeeded in a Divided America"

  • After Words: Greg Lukianoff, "The Canceling of the American Mind"

  • Peter Hotez, "The Deadly Rise of Anti-Science"

  • Author Discussion on Women in Science

  • After Words

  • Author Discussion on the 2nd Amendment & Domestic Security

  • Author Discussion on the Supreme Court & Political Power

  • Book TV

  • Author Discussion on Mind-Altering Substances

  • Author Discussion on Racial Equality

  • Jag Singh, "Future Care - Sensors, Artificial Intelligence, and the Reinvention of Medicine"

  • About Books: Stephen Friot, "Containing History"

  • McKay Coppins, "Romney - A Reckoning"

  • Steve Inskeep, "Differ We Must - How Lincoln Succeeded in a Divided America"

  • After Words: Greg Lukianoff, "The Canceling of the American Mind"

  • Peter Hotez, "The Deadly Rise of Anti-Science"

  • Author Discussion on Women in Science

  • After Words

  • Author Discussion on the 2nd Amendment & Domestic Security

  • Author Discussion on the Supreme Court & Political Power

  • Author Discussion on Mind-Altering Substances

  • Author Discussion on Racial Equality

  • Jag Singh, "Future Care - Sensors, Artificial Intelligence, and the Reinvention of Medicine"