C-SPAN 3 TV Schedule

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June 25, 2024

  • TSA Administrator Testifies on the President's 2025 Budget Request

  • Officials Testify on Investigation Into Baltimore Key Bridge Collapse

  • Discussion on NATO's Deterrence Role

  • Atty. Gen. Garland on Combating Violent Crime

  • TSA Administrator Testifies on the President's 2025 Budget Request

  • Officials Testify on Investigation Into Baltimore Key Bridge Collapse

  • Discussion on NATO's Deterrence Role

  • Atty. Gen. Garland on Combating Violent Crime

  • TSA Administrator Testifies on the President's 2025 Budget Request

  • Officials Testify on Investigation Into Baltimore Key Bridge Collapse

  • Discussion on NATO's Deterrence Role

  • Atty. Gen. Garland on Combating Violent Crime

  • TSA Administrator Testifies on the President's 2025 Budget Request

  • Officials Testify on Investigation Into Baltimore Key Bridge Collapse

  • Interior Secretary Testifies on 2025 Budget Request