C-SPAN 3 TV Schedule

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July 10, 2024

  • Dr. Fauci Testifies on U.S. Response to COVID-19 Pandemic

  • Federal Reserve Chair Testifies on Monetary Policy Report

  • Hearing on Supporting Young Farmers

  • Discussion on Infrastructure Investments in Africa

  • Hearing on Water Scarcity & Climate Change

  • Panel Discusses Changes to Federal Pole Attachment Rules

  • Hearing on Supporting Young Farmers

  • Discussion on Infrastructure Investments in Africa

  • Hearing on Water Scarcity & Climate Change

  • Panel Discusses Changes to Federal Pole Attachment Rules

  • Hearing on Supporting Young Farmers

  • Discussion on Infrastructure Investments in Africa

  • Panel Discusses Changes to Federal Pole Attachment Rules

  • Hearing on Water Scarcity & Climate Change

  • Hearing on Supporting Young Farmers

  • Panel Discusses Changes to Federal Pole Attachment Rules