C-SPAN 3 TV Schedule

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August 7, 2024

  • The Civil War: Southern Unionists Living Under Confederate Control

  • U.S. Senate: Sen. Todd Young R-IN on Civil War General Lew Wallace

  • Lectures in History: The Road to Brown v. Board of Education

  • Free to Choose: Milton Friedman on Economic Equality

  • Free to Choose: Milton Friedman on Government Control of Education

  • OAH President Anthea Hartig

  • LGBT Labor History

  • "Rosie the Riveter" Congressional Gold Medal

  • Lectures in History: The Road to Brown v. Board of Education

  • Free to Choose: Milton Friedman on Economic Equality

  • Free to Choose: Milton Friedman on Government Control of Education

  • OAH President Anthea Hartig

  • LGBT Labor History

  • "Rosie the Riveter" Congressional Gold Medal

  • Lectures in History: The Road to Brown v. Board of Education

  • Free to Choose: Milton Friedman on Economic Equality

  • Free to Choose: Milton Friedman on Government Control of Education

  • OAH President Anthea Hartig

  • LGBT Labor History

  • "Rosie the Riveter" Congressional Gold Medal

  • Lectures in History: The Road to Brown v. Board of Education

  • Free to Choose: Milton Friedman on Economic Equality

  • Free to Choose: Milton Friedman on Government Control of Education

  • LGBT Labor History

  • Public Affairs Events