C-SPAN 3 TV Schedule

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September 20, 2024

  • Discussion on U.S. Arms Transfers

  • Asst. Education Sec. Discusses Enforcing Civil Rights in Schools

  • State and Local Law Enforcement Officials Testify on Law Enforcement Challenges

  • Deputy Sec. of State Testifies on Competition With China

  • Asst. Education Sec. Discusses Enforcing Civil Rights in Schools

  • State and Local Law Enforcement Officials Testify on Law Enforcement Challenges

  • Deputy Sec. of State Testifies on Competition With China

  • Asst. Education Sec. Discusses Enforcing Civil Rights in Schools

  • State and Local Law Enforcement Officials Testify on Law Enforcement Challenges

  • Deputy Sec. of State Testifies on Competition With China

  • Asst. Education Sec. Discusses Enforcing Civil Rights in Schools

  • State and Local Law Enforcement Officials Testify on Law Enforcement Challenges

  • Deputy Sec. of State Testifies on Competition With China