C-SPAN Radio Schedule

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June 21, 2020

  • Washington Journal: 06/21/2020Live

  • C-SPAN's The Weekly Podcast with Pat Buchanan

  • Congressional Black Caucus Chair Karen Bass Discusses Police Reform With Washington Post

  • President Issues Executive Order on Policing

  • Sen. Scott Holds News Conference on Police Reform Bill

  • NBC Meet the Press

  • Washington Journal: John Dickerson

  • ABC This Week

  • Washington Journal: John Dickerson

  • Fox News Sunday

  • Washington Journal: John Dickerson

  • CNN State of the Union

  • Washington Journal: John Dickerson

  • CBS Face the Nation

  • House Judiciary Committee Debates Justice in Policing Act - Part 1

  • Washington Journal: John Dickerson

  • Q&A: Peniel Joseph, "The Sword and the Shield"

  • Prime Minister's Questions: 06/17/2020

  • C-SPAN's The Weekly Podcast with Pat Buchanan

  • Washington Journal: Charles J. Hanley

  • Q&A: Peniel Joseph, "The Sword and the Shield"

  • C-SPAN's The Weekly Podcast with Pat Buchanan

  • NBC Meet the Press

  • Washington Journal: John Dickerson

  • ABC This Week

  • Washington Journal: John Dickerson

  • Fox News Sunday

  • Washington Journal: John Dickerson

  • CNN State of the Union

  • Washington Journal: John Dickerson

  • CBS Face the Nation

  • Q&A: Peniel Joseph, "The Sword and the Shield"