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July 2, 2020

  • Washington Journal: 07/02/2020Live

  • President Trump Holds News Conference

  • CDC Director Redfield and NIH Director Collins Address Congress on a Coronavirus Vaccine

  • President Trump Holds News Conference

  • House Minority Leader McCarthy Holds News Conference

  • U.S. Senate: Sanction Against China for National Security Law in Hong Kong

  • Washington Journal: David McIntosh

  • House Speaker Pelosi Holds News Conference

  • President Trump Delivers Remarks at Spirit of America Showcase

  • Campaign 2020: Sen. Kamala Harris D-CA Speaks on Police Reform with the Washington Post

  • U.S. Senate: Senator Sasse on China's National Security Law in Hong Kong

  • Washington TodayLive

  • Washington Today

  • House Coronavirus Select Subcommittee Hearing on National Stockpile

  • President Trump Delivers Remarks at Spirit of America Showcase

  • Washington Today

  • Washington Today

  • President Trump Holds News Conference

  • CDC Director Redfield and NIH Director Collins Address Congress on a Coronavirus Vaccine

  • President Trump Holds News Conference

  • CDC Director Redfield and NIH Director Collins Address Congress on a Coronavirus Vaccine

  • U.S. Senate: Sanction Against China for National Security Law in Hong Kong

  • Washington Journal: David McIntosh

  • House Speaker Pelosi Holds News Conference

  • CDC Director Redfield and NIH Director Collins Address Congress on a Coronavirus Vaccine

  • President Trump Delivers Remarks at Spirit of America Showcase

  • Campaign 2020: Sen. Kamala Harris D-CA Speaks on Police Reform with the Washington Post

  • CDC Director Redfield and NIH Director Collins Address Congress on a Coronavirus Vaccine

  • U.S. Senate: Senator Sasse on China's National Security Law in Hong Kong