C-SPAN Radio Schedule

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July 10, 2020

  • Washington Journal: 07/10/2020Live

  • Arizona Gov. Ducey Holds Coronavirus Briefing

  • New Jersey Gov. Murphy Discusses Coronavirus Impact with Washington Post

  • Washington Journal: Grover Norquist

  • Hearing on Coronavirus Pandemic & Response

  • House Appropriations Debates 2021 Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies and Legislative Branch Spending

  • President Trump Participates in Roundtable for Support of Venezuelan People

  • CDC Director Dr. Robert Redfield Speaks at Health Care Summit

  • Washington TodayLive

  • Radio Special: C-SPAN's The Weekly Podcast with AEI Senior Fellow Danielle Pletka

  • Washington Today

  • New Jersey Gov. Murphy Discusses Coronavirus Impact with Washington Post

  • After Words: Dinesh D'Souza, "United States of Socialism"

  • Washington Today

  • Radio Special: C-SPAN's The Weekly Podcast with AEI Senior Fellow Danielle Pletka

  • After Words: Dinesh D'Souza, "United States of Socialism"

  • Arizona Gov. Ducey Holds Coronavirus Briefing

  • New Jersey Gov. Murphy Discusses Coronavirus Impact with Washington Post

  • Washington Journal: Grover Norquist

  • Hearing on Coronavirus Pandemic & Response

  • House Appropriations Debates 2021 Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies and Legislative Branch Spending

  • President Trump Participates in Roundtable for Support of Venezuelan People

  • CDC Director Dr. Robert Redfield Speaks at Health Care Summit