C-SPAN Radio Schedule

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August 29, 2020

  • Washington Journal: 08/29/2020Live

  • Postmaster General Louis DeJoy Testifies on Postal Service Operations & Mail-In Voting - Part 1

  • Postmaster General Louis DeJoy Testifies on Postal Service Operations & Mail-In Voting - Part 2

  • Campaign 2020: The Hill Discussion on Affordable Housing

  • President Trump Briefing on Hurricane Laura Response on Louisiana

  • National Action Network's "Get Your Knee Off Our Necks" Rally and March

  • Radio Special: March on Washington anniversary

  • President Trump Holds Roundtable Discussion on Hurricane Laura Response in Texas

  • Republican National Convention: Day 2 - Melania Trump

  • Republican National Convention: Day 1 - Nikki Haley

  • Republican National Convention: Day 1 - Donald Trump Jr.

  • Republican National Convention: Day 4 - Sen. Tom Cotton

  • Campaign 2020: Washington Post Reviews RNC Convention

  • Campaign 2020: Sen. Bernie Sanders I-VT Remarks on Joe Biden's Economic Plan

  • Washington Journal: Open Phones

  • Lectures in History: 1920s Culture & Society

  • Virtual Gov. Larry Hogan R-MD, "Still Standing"

  • Author Discussion on the Black Lives Matter Movement

  • Melissa Korn & Jennifer Levitz, "'Unacceptable"

  • Eric Foner, "The Second Founding"

  • John Yoo, "Defender in Chief"

  • Julian Zelizer, "Burning Down the House"

  • Khalil Gibran Muhammad, "The Condemnation of Blackness"

  • Tiffany Shlain, "24/6"