C-SPAN Radio Schedule

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September 26, 2020

  • Washington Journal: 09/26/2020Live

  • Campaign 2020: Virginia U.S. Senate Debate

  • White House Coronavirus Task Force Members Testify on Latest Pandemic Response Efforts

  • CBO Director Phillip Swagel Testifies on Budget & Economic Outlook

  • Campaign 2020: Joe Biden Addresses U.S. Conference of Mayors

  • Confirmation Hearing for Homeland Security Secretary Nominee Chad Wolf

  • President Trump Nominates New Justice to the Supreme Court

  • Central High School Integration Anniversary

  • National Book Festival - Gail Collins, "No Stopping Us Now" and Megan Twohey, "She Said"

  • National Book Festival - Call-in with Gail Collins, "No Stopping Us Now

  • National Book Festival - Jon Meacham, "His Truth is Marching On"

  • National Book Festival - Call-in with Jon Meacham, "His Truth is Marching On"

  • National Book Festival - Melinda Gates, "The Moment of Lift"

  • National Book Festival - Author Discussion on Covert Operations

  • National Book Festival - Author Discussion on Presidential History

  • VIRTUAL Rick Tyler, "Still Right"

  • Katie Hill, "She Will Rise"

  • VIRTUAL Nicholson Baker, "Baseless"

  • Virtual Carter Page, "Abuse and Power"

  • Mark Gevisser, "The Pink Line"

  • Jean Guerrero, "Hatemonger"

  • Virtual Gov. Larry Hogan R-MD, "Still Standing"

  • Adam Rutherford, "How to Argue With a Racist"