C-SPAN Radio Schedule

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October 28, 2023

  • Washington Journal: 10/28/2023Live

  • Hearing on Robocalls & Illegal Text Messages

  • Campaign 2024: Rep. Dean Phillips D-MN Announces Presidential Bid

  • Campaign 2024: Presidential Candidates Speak at Republican Jewish Coalition Conference

  • Campaign 2024: Mike Pence Suspends Presidential Campaign

  • HearingĀ on Terrorism Financing Amid Israel-Hamas War

  • Campaign 2024: Nikki Haley Speaks at Republican Jewish Coalition Conference

  • Campaign 2024: Mike Pence Suspends Presidential Campaign

  • Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi Lectures at Georgetown Law

  • Booknotes+ Podcast - Brooke Barbier, "King Hancock"

  • Lectures in History: The Woodworking Industry in South Carolina

  • A Friendship of Rivals - Gerald Ford & Jimmy Carter

  • New Amsterdam Little Ice Age

  • AHTV - Michelle Obama's Leadership & Legacy

  • Peter Cozzens, "A Brutal Reckoning"

  • Lectures in History: The Woodworking Industry in South Carolina

  • A Friendship of Rivals - Gerald Ford & Jimmy Carter

  • New Amsterdam Little Ice Age

  • AHTV - Michelle Obama's Leadership & Legacy

  • Peter Cozzens, "A Brutal Reckoning"

  • Booknotes+ Podcast - Brooke Barbier, "King Hancock"