C-SPAN Radio Schedule

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November 10, 2023

  • Washington Journal: 11/10/2023Live

  • Education Secretary Discusses Department's Priorities

  • Senate Judiciary Cmte. Meeting on Supreme Court Ethics Investigation

  • Legal Scholars Convene at Nat'l Lawyers Convention

  • Legal Scholars Discuss Constitutional Law

  • Legal Scholars Convene at Nat'l Lawyers Convention

  • Treasury Secretary News Conference on Relations with China

  • Campaign 2024: Biden Campaign Officials on Impact of 2023 Election Results

  • Rep. Cori Bush on Israel-Hamas Conflict

  • Washington TodayLive

  • Washington Today

  • Washington Journal: Leo Shane

  • Campaign 2024: VP Harris & Rep. Clyburn Files Biden-Harris Ballot Paperwork in Columbia, SC

  • Washington Journal: Dave Weigel

  • Washington Journal: Leo Shane

  • After Words: Greg Lukianoff, "The Canceling of the American Mind"

  • Karen Pence, "When It's Your Turn to Serve"

  • In Depth: Nadine Strossen

  • Martha Hodes, "My Hijacking"

  • Mike Rothschild, "Jewish Space Lasers"

  • Mike Rothschild, "Jewish Space Lasers"

  • About Books: Stephen Friot, "Containing History"

  • Karen Pence, "When It's Your Turn to Serve"

  • In Depth: Nadine Strossen

  • Martha Hodes, "My Hijacking"

  • Mike Rothschild, "Jewish Space Lasers"

  • After Words: Greg Lukianoff, "The Canceling of the American Mind"