C-SPAN Radio Schedule

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December 23, 2023

  • Washington Journal: 12/23/2023Live

  • Housing Policy Advocates Testify on Affordability

  • Funeral Service for Justice Sandra Day O'Connor

  • Israeli President Herzog on Israel-Hamas War

  • Fmr. CIA Deputy Director Discusses Open-Source Intelligence

  • Reps. Andy Kim & Jeff Duncan on 2024 Priorities

  • Former Israeli & Egyptian Ambassadors Discuss a Palestinian State

  • Hearing on Governments Repressing Dissenters Abroad

  • Middle East Policy Advocates & Academics Discuss Israel-Hamas War

  • Washington Journal: Joe McReynolds

  • Booknotes+ Podcast - Nick Bunker, "In the Shadow of Fear"

  • Lectures in History: Legacy of President Jimmy Carter

  • AHTV - Pat Nixon & Betty Ford

  • The Founders

  • Interpreting the Constitution

  • Booknotes+ Podcast - Nick Bunker, "In the Shadow of Fear"

  • Lectures in History: Legacy of President Jimmy Carter

  • AHTV - Pat Nixon & Betty Ford

  • The Founders

  • Interpreting the Constitution

  • Booknotes+ Podcast - Nick Bunker, "In the Shadow of Fear"