C-SPAN Radio Schedule

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January 23, 2024

  • Washington Journal: 01/23/2024Live

  • Discussion on Global Economic Outlook in Davos, Switzerland

  • New Mexico Governor Gives State of the State Address

  • Utah Governor Delivers State of the State Address

  • Secretary of State at U.S. Conference of Mayors Meeting

  • Transportation Secretary at U.S. Conference of Mayors Meeting

  • Problem Solvers Caucus Members at U.S. Conference of Mayors Meeting

  • White House Press Briefing

  • Washington Journal: James Pindell

  • U.S. Senate: U.S. Senate

  • Israeli President Isaac Herzog at World Economic Forum

  • Washington Journal: Dante Scalia

  • Washington TodayLive

  • Washington Today

  • Campaign 2024: Pres. Biden at Campaign Event in Manassas, VA

  • Republican Presidential Candidate Nikki Haley Holds News Conference at Polling Site in Hampton, NH

  • Republican Presidential Candidate Donald Trump Holds News Conference at Polling Site in Londonderry, NH

  • Washington Journal: James Pindell

  • Campaign 2024: New Hampshire Primary Night Coverage

  • Campaign 2024: Pres. Biden at Campaign Event in Manassas, VA

  • Senate Leaders Discuss Legislative Agenda

  • Campaign 2024: New Hampshire Primary Night Coverage

  • White House Press Briefing

  • Campaign 2024: Nikki Haley New Hampshire Primary Night Remarks

  • Discussion on Global Economic Outlook in Davos, Switzerland

  • Campaign 2024: Nikki Haley New Hampshire Primary Night Remarks

  • Campaign 2024: Donald Trump New Hampshire Primary Night Remarks

  • Campaign 2024: Pres. Biden at Campaign Event in Manassas, VA

  • Secretary of State at U.S. Conference of Mayors Meeting

  • Problem Solvers Caucus Members at U.S. Conference of Mayors Meeting

  • Discussion on Global Economic Outlook in Davos, Switzerland

  • White House Press Briefing

  • Senate Leaders Discuss Legislative Agenda

  • Campaign 2024: Pres. Biden at Campaign Event in Manassas, VA

  • Campaign 2024: Nikki Haley New Hampshire Primary Night Remarks

  • Campaign 2024: Donald Trump New Hampshire Primary Night Remarks