C-SPAN Radio Schedule

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February 2, 2024

  • Washington Journal: 02/02/2024Live

  • Administration & Military Officials Discuss Nuclear Deterrence

  • Campaign 2024: Rep. James Clyburn D-SC Discusses Democratic Campaign Messaging

  • Discussion on Afghan Women's Rights

  • Former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine & Others Discuss Russia's Future

  • 2024 Campaign Trail: Presidential Candidates in South Carolina & Nevada

  • Hearing on Risks of Chinese Technology in U.S.

  • Washington Journal: Sam Quinones

  • Washington TodayLive

  • Washington Today

  • National Security Council & Joint Chief of Staff Audio News Conference on Airstrikes in Iraq & Syria

  • After Words: Ijeoma Oluo, "Be a Revolution"

  • A Memoir"

  • VIRTUAL Carol Roth, "You Will Own Nothing"

  • Bettina Love, "Punished for Dreaming - How School Reform Harms Black Children and How We Heal"

  • Ganesh Sitaraman, "Why Flying Is Miserable and How to Fix It"

  • Lectures in History: 1925 Scopes Monkey Trial Part 2

  • Booknotes+ Podcast - H.W. Brands, "Founding Partisans"

  • Civics Education Through History

  • British and Canadian Perspectives on American Slavery

  • Historic Campaign Speeches: George H.W. Bush 1988 South Carolina Campaign Rally

  • Historic Campaign Speeches: Joe Biden 2020 South Carolina Primary Speech

  • Michael Barone, "Mental Maps of the Founders"

  • Booknotes+ Podcast - H.W. Brands, "Founding Partisans"