C-SPAN Radio Schedule

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March 2, 2024

  • Washington Journal: 03/02/2024Live

  • Hearing on Retirement Plans

  • Commerce Secretary on Tech Investments & CHIPS and Science Act

  • Defense Dept. Officials and Policy Advocates Testify on Traumatic Brain Injury Care

  • Defense Secretary Testifies on Hospitalization

  • U.S. Senate: Senators on IVF Access Legislation

  • Supreme Court Hears Challenge to Gun Bump Stock Ban

  • Booknotes+ Podcast - Defense Attorney Jim Trusty

  • Dorothy Hoobler & Thomas Hoobler, "Are You Prepared for the Storm of Love Making?"

  • Lech Walesa on President Reagan's Legacy

  • AHTV - The Forgotten Years of the Civil Rights Movement

  • The Civil War: 2023 Lincoln Forum - Transatlantic Slave Trader during Lincoln's Presidency

  • Historic Campaign Speeches: Hillary Clinton 2008 Campaign Rally

  • Historic Campaign Speeches: Marco Rubio 2016 Super Tuesday Speech

  • Booknotes+ Podcast - Defense Attorney Jim Trusty

  • Dorothy Hoobler & Thomas Hoobler, "Are You Prepared for the Storm of Love Making?"

  • Lech Walesa on President Reagan's Legacy

  • AHTV - The Forgotten Years of the Civil Rights Movement

  • The Civil War: 2023 Lincoln Forum - Transatlantic Slave Trader during Lincoln's Presidency

  • Historic Campaign Speeches: Hillary Clinton 2008 Campaign Rally

  • Historic Campaign Speeches: Marco Rubio 2016 Super Tuesday Speech

  • Booknotes+ Podcast - Defense Attorney Jim Trusty