C-SPAN Radio Schedule

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March 19, 2024

  • Washington Journal: 03/19/2024Live

  • Discussion with National Constitution Center CEO Jeffrey Rosen

  • Defense Secretary and Joint Chiefs of Staff Chair at Ukraine Working Group

  • Sen. Warner on Cybersecurity Defense

  • Washington Journal: Lev Facher

  • Retired Generals Testify on U.S. Withdrawal From Afghanistan

  • Washington TodayLive

  • Washington Today

  • Defense Secretary and Joint Chiefs of Staff Chair at Ukraine Working Group

  • Retired Generals Testify on U.S. Withdrawal From Afghanistan

  • Washington Today

  • Washington Today

  • Retired Generals Testify on U.S. Withdrawal From Afghanistan

  • Sen. Warner on Cybersecurity Defense

  • House Financial Services Chair on Digital Payments Economy

  • Defense Secretary and Joint Chiefs of Staff Chair at Ukraine Working Group

  • Washington Journal: François Pierre-Louis

  • Discussion with National Constitution Center CEO Jeffrey Rosen

  • Sen. Warner on Cybersecurity Defense

  • House Financial Services Chair on Digital Payments Economy

  • Defense Secretary and Joint Chiefs of Staff Chair at Ukraine Working Group

  • Retired Generals Testify on U.S. Withdrawal From Afghanistan