C-SPAN Radio Schedule

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May 16, 2024

  • Washington Journal: 05/16/2024Live

  • Financial Regulators Testify at Senate Oversight Hearing

  • U.S. House of Representatives: 05/16/2024

  • Hearing on Holding Attorney General in Contempt of Congress

  • House Speaker Johnson & GOP Leadership Discuss Israel Security Assistance

  • Hearing on Holding Attorney General in Contempt of Congress

  • Washington TodayLive

  • Hearing on Holding Attorney General in Contempt of Congress

  • Democratic Leader Jeffries Holds News Conference

  • Washington Today

  • Hearing on Foreign Threats to 2024 Elections

  • House Speaker Johnson & GOP Leadership Discuss Israel Security Assistance

  • Democratic Leader Jeffries Holds News Conference

  • Washington Today

  • Washington Today

  • House Speaker Johnson & GOP Leadership Discuss Israel Security Assistance

  • Democratic Leader Jeffries Holds News Conference

  • U.S. House of Representatives: Debate on Barring Biden Admin. from Blocking Weapons Shipments to Israel

  • Hearing on Holding Attorney General in Contempt of Congress

  • Atty. Gen. Garland Speaks to Reporters Ahead of Contempt of Congress Votes

  • Financial Regulators Testify at Senate Oversight Hearing

  • House Speaker Johnson & GOP Leadership Discuss Israel Security Assistance

  • Democratic Leader Jeffries Holds News Conference

  • U.S. House of Representatives: Debate on Barring Biden Admin. from Blocking Weapons Shipments to Israel