C-SPAN Radio Schedule

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June 22, 2024

  • Sen. Elizabeth Warren Discusses Tax Policy

  • Boeing CEO Testifies on Safety Issues

  • Town Hall on Climate Change & Racial Equity

  • Hearing on Challenges to Social Security Disability Programs

  • Sen. Mark Warner Speaks at Christian Science Monitor Breakfast Series

  • Washington Journal: Sean Davis

  • Booknotes+ Podcast - Stacy Schiff at Purdue University

  • Lectures in History: Abortion and Reproductive Rights

  • OAH President Anthea Hartig

  • American History TV

  • U.S. Government Information Collection and Surveillance

  • "Portrait of Courage" - Afghanistan Veteran Sgt. First Class Ramon Padilla

  • American History TV

  • Booknotes+ Podcast - Stacy Schiff at Purdue University

  • Lectures in History: Abortion and Reproductive Rights

  • OAH President Anthea Hartig

  • American History TV

  • "Portrait of Courage" - Afghanistan Veteran Sgt. First Class Ramon Padilla

  • American History TV

  • Booknotes+ Podcast - Stacy Schiff at Purdue University

  • Washington Journal: 06/23/2024Live