C-SPAN TV Schedule

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June 18, 2020

  • Washington Journal: 06/18/2020

  • National Guard Chief & Project Warp Speed Confirmation Hearing

  • U.S. House of Representatives: 06/18/2020

  • National Guard Chief & Project Warp Speed Confirmation Hearing

  • Washington Journal: Ben Jealous

  • Hearing on Online Foreign Influence Operations

  • Supreme Court DACA Oral Argument

  • Speaker Pelosi Holds Legislative News Conference

  • Hearing on Coronavirus & Air Travel Safety

  • Supreme Court DACA Oral Argument

  • Washington Journal: Charmaine Yoest

  • Removal of Former Speakers' Portraits Who Served in Confederacy

  • Speaker Pelosi Holds Legislative News Conference

  • President Trump Meets with Nebraska & Oklahoma Governors to Discuss Reopening Small Businesses

  • Hearing on Online Foreign Influence Operations

  • Supreme Court DACA Oral Argument

  • Speaker Pelosi Holds Legislative News Conference

  • Removal of Former Speakers' Portraits Who Served in Confederacy

  • President Trump Meets with Nebraska & Oklahoma Governors to Discuss Reopening Small Businesses

  • Hearing on Online Foreign Influence Operations

  • Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing on Exploitation of Coronavirus Pandemic

  • Supreme Court DACA Oral Argument

  • Public Affairs Events