C-SPAN TV Schedule

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July 4, 2020

  • Washington Journal: 07/04/2020

  • Washington Journal: Washington Journal

  • Citizenship Discussion at Hoover Institution

  • Justice Breyer Discussion with Harvard Hillel

  • Washington Journal: Lina Mann

  • Justice Clarence Thomas Conversation at Federalist Society

  • Campaign 2020: Joe Biden at National Education Association Virtual Assembly

  • Washington Journal: Henry Olsen

  • The Communicators: USTelecom President Jonathan Spalter

  • "Salute to America " 4th of July Celebration at the White House

  • Former Defense Secretary Robert Gates Discusses the Role of the Military

  • Justice Breyer Discussion with Harvard Hillel

  • "Salute to America" 4th of July Celebration at the White House

  • Justice Clarence Thomas Conversation at Federalist Society

  • Federal Reserve Chair Powell and Treasury Sec. Mnuchin Address Testify About their Coronavirus Response

  • President Trump's "Salute to America" 4th of July Celebration Remarks

  • Washington Journal: Katie Bo Williams

  • Senate Hearing on Coronavirus Response & Future Pandemic Preparedness

  • "Salute to America" 4th of July Celebration at the White House