C-SPAN TV Schedule

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September 20, 2020

  • Washington Journal: 09/20/2020

  • President Trump & Middle East Leaders Sign Abraham Accord

  • House Hearing on State Department IG Firing - Part 1

  • Campaign 2020: Joe Biden Delivers Remarks in Philadelphia

  • Sen. Ted Cruz R-TX

  • Sen. Amy Klobuchar D-MN

  • Sen. Corey Booker D-NJ

  • Speaker Pelosi Hosts G7 Parliament Speakers Meeting on Climate Change

  • Campaign 2020: Joe Biden Delivers Remarks in Philadelphia

  • Sen. Ted Cruz R-TX

  • Sen. Amy Klobuchar D-MN

  • Sen. Corey Booker D-NJ

  • Dwight D. Eisenhower Memorial Dedication

  • Discussion with Attorney General Barr at Hillsdale College

  • Campaign 2020: Joe Biden Delivers Remarks in Philadelphia

  • Sen. Ted Cruz R-TX

  • Sen. Amy Klobuchar D-MN

  • Sen. Corey Booker D-NJ

  • Q&A: Harold Holzer, "The Presidents vs. the Press" - Part Two

  • Prime Minister's Questions: 09/16/2020

  • Campaign 2020: Joe Biden Delivers Remarks in Philadelphia

  • Washington Journal: Daniel Allott

  • Q&A: Harold Holzer, "The Presidents vs. the Press" - Part Two

  • Prime Minister's Questions: 09/16/2020

  • Campaign 2020: Joe Biden Delivers Remarks in Philadelphia

  • Sen. Ted Cruz R-TX

  • Sen. Amy Klobuchar D-MN

  • Sen. Corey Booker D-NJ

  • Senate Hearing on China's Global Influence

  • Campaign 2020: Kansas U.S. Senate Debate

  • FBI Director Wray Testifies on National Security Threats

  • Q&A: Harold Holzer, "The Presidents vs. the Press" - Part Two