C-SPAN 3 TV Schedule

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September 20, 2020

  • American History TV

  • 1890s Colorado State Legislator Carrie Clyde Holly

  • History Bookshelf: Jim Dwyer & Kevin Flynn, "102 Minutes"

  • Science and Warcraft from the Civil War to WWII

  • The Civil War: Elmira Union Prisoner of War Camp

  • American History TV Visits Hawaii

  • Presidential Debates: 1960 Presidential Debate - John F. Kennedy & Richard Nixon

  • Lectures in History: Culture of the Antebellum Congress

  • World War I & the Environment

  • 1918 Flu Pandemic

  • Reel America: August 1945 Universal Newsreel

  • American History TV Visits Hawaii

  • Reel America: 1940 U.S. Census Training Films

  • Reel America: "The Big Count - The Story of the U.S. Census" - 1960

  • Reel America: U.S. Census Bureau Promotional Films & Television Ads

  • 1940-41 Buildup of U.S. Army

  • American Artifacts: Independence Hall

  • Presidential Debates: 1960 Presidential Debate - John F. Kennedy & Richard Nixon

  • Dwight D. Eisenhower Memorial Dedication

  • Reel America: News Magazine of the Screen "Summer Review 1955"

  • American History TV Visits Hawaii

  • American Artifacts: Independence Hall

  • San Antonio River Walk

  • Presidential Debates: 1960 Presidential Debate - John F. Kennedy & Richard Nixon

  • Dwight D. Eisenhower Memorial Dedication

  • Reel America: August 25, 1960 Universal Newsreel

  • Voting Rights March in Selma

  • Reel America: 1940 U.S. Census Training Films

  • Reel America: "The Big Count - The Story of the U.S. Census" - 1960

  • Reel America: U.S. Census Bureau Promotional Films & Television Ads

  • 1940-41 Buildup of U.S. Army

  • American Artifacts: Independence Hall

  • Dwight D. Eisenhower Memorial Dedication

  • Reel America: "The Nixon-Lodge Ticket" July 28, 1960 Newsreel

  • Reel America: July 1960 Universal Newsreel

  • Neil Armstrong and Eugene Cernan Exhibit