C-SPAN TV Schedule

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November 7, 2020

  • Washington Journal: 11/07/2020

  • Washington Journal: Open Phones

  • Washington Journal: Robby Soave

  • Washington Journal: Barry Fadem

  • Campaign 2020: Trump Campaign Holds News Conference in Philadelphia

  • Campaign 2020: Viewer Reaction to Joe Biden's Win

  • Campaign 2020: Trump Campaign Holds News Conference in Philadelphia

  • Campaign 2020: Viewer Reaction to Joe Biden's Win Part 1 of 2

  • Q&A: 20th Anniversary of Bush v. Gore

  • Campaign 2020: Trump Campaign Holds News Conference in Philadelphia

  • Campaign 2020: Viewer Reaction to Joe Biden's Win Part 1 of 2

  • Washington Journal: Barry Fadem

  • The Communicators: Dr. Joseph Kvedar, American Telemedicine Association

  • Campaign 2020: Trump Campaign Holds News Conference in Philadelphia

  • Campaign 2020: President-Elect Joe Biden and Vice President-Elect Kamala Harris Address the Nation

  • Campaign 2020: President-Elect Joe Biden and Vice President-Elect Kamala Harris Address the Nation

  • Campaign 2020: Viewer Reaction to Joe Biden's Win

  • Campaign 2020: President-Elect Joe Biden and Vice President-Elect Kamala Harris Address the Nation

  • Campaign 2020: Viewer Reaction to Joe Biden's Win

  • Campaign 2020: President-Elect Joe Biden and Vice President-Elect Kamala Harris Address the Nation

  • Campaign 2020: Viewer Reaction to Kamala Harris & Joe Biden Victory Speeches

  • Campaign 2020: Trump Campaign Holds News Conference in Philadelphia

  • Campaign 2020: President-Elect Joe Biden and Vice President-Elect Kamala Harris Address the Nation

  • Campaign 2020: Viewer Reaction to Kamala Harris & Joe Biden Victory Speeches

  • NASA Administrator Bridenstine Testifies on Future Missions

  • Technology Policy Institute's 2020 Aspen Forum, Privacy & the Coronavirus Pandemic Panel

  • House Hearing on Improving the VA's Medical Supply Chain Due to the Coronavirus Pandemic

  • Campaign 2020: President-Elect Joe Biden and Vice President-Elect Kamala Harris Address the Nation

  • Public Affairs Events