C-SPAN TV Schedule

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January 28, 2024

  • Washington Journal: 01/28/2024

  • Washington This Week

  • President Biden Holds Meeting on Women's Reproductive Health

  • Campaign 2024: Vice President Harris Speaks on Reproductive Rights

  • Hearing on Assisted Living Facilities

  • Campaign 2024: Donald Trump Campaigns in Las Vegas

  • Washington Journal: Lori Robertson

  • Campaign 2024: Nikki Haley Campaigns in Conway, SC

  • Campaign 2024: President Biden Speaks at UAW Conference

  • Washington Journal: Clarissa Martinez de Castro & Lora Ries

  • Q&A: Historian Betty Koed on the People and Events That Shaped the U.S. Senate

  • Prime Minister's Questions: 01/24/2024

  • Sec. Austin Delivers Remarks at Ukraine Meeting

  • Hearing on Library of Congress & Smithsonian Using AI

  • Q&A: Historian Betty Koed on the People and Events That Shaped the U.S. Senate

  • Prime Minister's Questions: 01/24/2024

  • Sec. Austin Delivers Remarks at Ukraine Meeting

  • Norfolk Southern CEO Testifies on Rail Safety

  • City Leaders & Economic Developers Testify on Nat'l Flood Insurance

  • Q&A: Historian Betty Koed on the People and Events That Shaped the U.S. Senate