C-SPAN TV Schedule

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March 21, 2024

  • Washington Journal: 03/21/2024

  • U.S. House of Representatives: 03/21/2024

  • C-SPAN 45th Anniversary

  • WH Budget Director Testifies on Pres. Biden's 2025 Budget Request

  • U.S. House of Representatives: 03/21/2024

  • Leader Jeffries Briefs Press on $1.2 Trillion Gov't Funding Package

  • Attorney General Holds News Conference on Lawsuit Against Apple

  • Washington Journal: Christopher Rugaber

  • FCC Commissioner Anna Gomez on Broadband, Spectrum Authority and AI

  • WH Budget Dir. & Treasury Sec. Testify on 2025 Budget & Economic Outlook

  • C-SPAN 45th Anniversary

  • Attorney General Holds News Conference on Lawsuit Against Apple

  • Leader Jeffries Briefs Press on $1.2 Trillion Gov't Funding Package

  • Principles First Summit in Washington, DC, Part 4

  • WWII Ghost Army Receives Congressional Gold Medal

  • WH Budget Dir. & Treasury Sec. Testify on 2025 Budget & Economic Outlook

  • Rep. Robin Kelly at Politico Health Care Summit

  • State & Local Officials Testify on 2024 Election Security

  • Leader Jeffries Briefs Press on $1.2 Trillion Gov't Funding Package

  • Attorney General Holds News Conference on Lawsuit Against Apple