C-SPAN 2 TV Schedule

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July 18, 2020

  • In Depth: Adm. James Stavridis USN, Ret.

  • Hadar Aviram, "Yesterday's Monsters"

  • Casey Sherman and Dave Wedge, "Hunting Whitey"

  • Tara Burton, "Strange Rites"

  • John Dickerson, "The Hardest Job in the World"

  • Sen. Joni Ernst R-IA, "Daughter of the Heartland"

  • John Larson, "Laid Waste!"

  • David Horowitz, "Blitz"

  • Adam Goodman, "The Deportation Machine"

  • Elizabeth Varon, "Armies of Deliverance"

  • Nikita Stewart, "Troop 6000"

  • Rep. Eric Swalwell D-CA, "Endgame"

  • Newt Gingrich, "Trump and the American Future"

  • Bryan Walsh, "End Times"

  • Malcolm Gladwell, "The Tipping Point"

  • Malcolm Gladwell, "Blink"

  • Malcolm Gladwell "Outliers"

  • Malcolm Gladwell, "David and Goliath"

  • Q&A: Malcolm Gladwell, "Talking to Strangers"

  • Erica Barnett, "Quitter"

  • Michael Long and Pamela Horowitz, "Race Man"

  • Ralph Reed, "For God and Country"

  • Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, "Which Country Has the World's Best Health Care?"

  • Kate Greene, "Once Upon a Time I Lived on Mars"

  • George Zaidan, "Ingredients"