C-SPAN 2 TV Schedule

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July 19, 2020

  • George Zaidan, "Ingredients"

  • Barbara Ehrenreich, "Had I Known"

  • In Depth: Rep. John Lewis D-GA

  • After Words: Dinesh D'Souza, "United States of Socialism"

  • Rep. Eric Swalwell D-CA, "Endgame"

  • Sen. Martha McSally R-AZ, "Dare to Fly"

  • The Bubble That Never Pops"

  • Michael Auslin, "Asia's New Geopolitics"

  • Erica Barnett, "Quitter"

  • The Life and Times of Adam Clay"

  • After Words: Wil Haygood "Sweet Thunder"

  • Chatter on Books Podcast with Wil Haygood, "Tigerland"

  • After Words: Steven Levy, "Facebook"

  • Newt Gingrich, "Trump and the American Future"

  • David Litt, "Democracy in One Book or Less"

  • After Words: Steven Levy, "Facebook"

  • Calvin Baker, "A More Perfect Reunion"

  • Dr. Vivian Lee, "The Long Fix"

  • After Words: Steven Levy, "Facebook"

  • Samantha Irby, "Wow, No Thank You"

  • Chester Finn and Michael Petrilli, "How to Educate an American"

  • Bryan Walsh, "End Times"