C-SPAN 3 TV Schedule

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July 19, 2020

  • Lectures in History: Socialism in Early 20th Century America

  • Oral Histories: Korean War Veteran Harold Christenson

  • The Civil War: Chris DeRose, "Star Spangled Scandal"

  • Reel America: "Health for All, All for Health" - 1988

  • Eleanor Roosevelt's Advice Column

  • The Civil War: Harold Holzer on Civil War Objects

  • Oral Histories: Korean War Veteran Baldwin Myers

  • Lectures in History: The Civil Rights Movement

  • History of UNC

  • Oral Histories: Thomas Gaither

  • Reel America: "The American Revolution of '63 Part 3" - NBC News Report

  • Reel America: "Combat Bulletin No. 65" - July 1945

  • Presidential Descendants

  • American Artifacts: Fort Monroe Casemate Museum

  • Carolina Basketball Museum

  • Reel America: "Education '57"

  • FDR, Truman and the Atomic Bomb

  • Ronald Reagan Reader's Digest Interview

  • Ronald Reagan BBC Interview

  • "Mrs. Roosevelt - Her Life in Pictures"

  • American Artifacts: Fort Monroe Casemate Museum

  • Route 66 in Amarillo

  • Reel America: "Education '57"

  • FDR, Truman and the Atomic Bomb

  • Ronald Reagan Reader's Digest Interview

  • Ronald Reagan BBC Interview

  • Reel America: All-American News - March 1945 Vol. 2

  • George and Barbara Bush Honeymoon Film

  • "Mrs. Roosevelt - Her Life in Pictures"

  • Reel America: "Combat Bulletin No. 65" - July 1945

  • Presidential Descendants

  • Oral Histories: Thomas Gaither

  • American Artifacts: Fort Monroe Casemate Museum

  • Reel America: "Combat Bulletin No. 65" - July 1945

  • Ronald Reagan Reader's Digest Interview

  • Ronald Reagan BBC Interview