C-SPAN 2 TV Schedule

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September 5, 2020

  • Summer Series with Books by Presidents

  • Francine Hirsch, "Soviet Judgment at Nuremberg"

  • Susan Eisenhower, "How Ike Led"

  • John Dickerson, "The Hardest Job in the World"

  • Morgan Jerkins, "Wandering in Strange Lands"

  • Judy Gold, "Yes, I Can Say This"

  • Harlan Hill and Ryan Girdusky, "They're Not Listening"

  • Jeffrey Toobin, "True Crimes and Misdemeanors"

  • Justin Tosi and Brandon Warmke, "Grandstanding"

  • Sonia Shah, "The Next Great Migration"

  • Steve Olson, "The Apocalypse Factory"

  • Chris Wallace, "Countdown 1945"

  • Lesley Blume, "Fallout"

  • Katherine Gehl and Michael Porter, "The Politics Industry"

  • Shaun King, "Make Change"

  • After Words: Joel Pollak,"Red November - Will the Country Vote Red for Trump or Red for Socialism?"

  • Nicholson Baker, "Baseless"

  • Washington Journal: Rob Smith, "Always a Soldier"

  • Jean Guerrero, "Hatemonger"

  • Mike Gonzalez, The Plot to Change America"

  • Eddie Glaude, "Begin Again"

  • Heather Lende, "Of Bears and Ballots"

  • Larry Tye, "Demagogue"

  • Erica Barnett, "Quitter"