C-SPAN 2 TV Schedule

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November 29, 2020

  • Frederik Logevall, "JFK"

  • National Book Festival - Author Discussion on Ray Bradbury

  • Brian Christian, "The Alignment Problem"

  • Anne Helen Petersen, "Can't Even"

  • Andrew Whitby, "The Sum of the People"

  • What Are You Reading with Sen. Shelley Moore Capito R-WV

  • After Words: Deborah Stone, "Counting-How We Use Numbers to Decide What Matters"

  • Author Discussion on Pathogens & Pills

  • Silicon Valley & the Future of Technology

  • Author Discussion on Women of Color in Tech

  • Jon Lindsay, "Information Technology and Military Power"

  • David Vine, "The United States of War"

  • Ali Soufan, "The Black Banners Declassified"

  • David Rose, "Why Culture Matters Most"

  • Author Discussion on Re-Inventing Democracy

  • After Words: Sally Hubbard, "Monopolies Suck"

  • Douglas Ginsburg, "Voices of Our Republic"

  • Barack Obama, "A Promised Land"

  • After Words: Sally Hubbard, "Monopolies Suck"

  • Catherine Grace Katz, "The Daughters of Yalta"

  • Author Discussion on the History of Race in America

  • After Words: Sally Hubbard, "Monopolies Suck"

  • Jon Lindsay, "Information Technology and Military Power"

  • Judith Butler, "The Force of Nonviolence"

  • National Book Festival - Eric Foner, "The Second Founding"

  • Book TV