C-SPAN 2 TV Schedule

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May 19, 2023

  • Secretaries of Defense, State & Commerce Testify on China

  • Veterans Affairs Secretary & Advocates Testify on President's 2024 Budget

  • American Constitution Society Convention on Threats to Democracy

  • Federal Reserve Chair Participates in Monetary Policy Conference

  • Campaign 2024: Fmr. VP Pence Speaks with Voters at New Hampshire Homebuilders Event

  • Vice Pres. Harris Honors Fmr. Speaker Pelosi at EMILY's List Gala

  • Pres. Biden Honors Fmr. Speaker Pelosi at EMILY's List Gala

  • Hearing With Human Trafficking Survivors & Advocates

  • Government Officials Testify on Global Human Trafficking

  • Fmr. Google CEO & Fmr. Trade Representative Testify on Competition with China

  • Washington Journal: Robert Dewey

  • White House Press Secretary & Nat'l Security Adviser Hold G7 Press Conference

  • DC Mayor Testifies on Rising Crime in City

  • Rep. Jim Jordan & State Attorneys General at GOP Lawyers Group Conference

  • Government Accountability Office Official Testifies on Bank Failures

  • DC Mayor Testifies on Rising Crime in City