C-SPAN 2 TV Schedule

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January 29, 2024

  • Schuyler Bailar, "He/She/They - How We Talk About Gender and Why It Matters"

  • Michael Harriot, "Black AF History - The Un-Whitewashed Story of America"

  • Commerce Secretary & Others Discuss AI & Innovation

  • Rhode Island Governor Gives State of the State Address

  • UCLA Law Discussion on Election Integrity & Democracy

  • UCLA Law Discussion on Social Media & Election Integrity

  • Defense Secretary Austin Meets with NATO Secretary General

  • Washington Journal: Open Forum

  • Qatari Prime Minister on Israel-Hamas War

  • Hawaii Governor Delivers State of the State Address

  • Washington Journal: Weifeng Zhong

  • Rep. Issa on U.S.-South Asia Relations

  • Commerce Secretary & Others Discuss AI & Innovation

  • Veterans Affairs Dept. Officials Testify on Data Privacy & AI

  • Iowa Gov. Delivers Condition of the State Address

  • Washington Journal: Charles Blahous

  • Hearing on Use of AI in Criminal Investigations

  • Actors Chris Evans & Mark Kassen at Nat'l Press Club Luncheon

  • Washington Journal: Joseph Bustos

  • Hearing on Economic Development of Native American Land

  • Utah Governor Delivers State of the State Address

  • West Virginia Gov. Delivers State of the State Address

  • Qatari Prime Minister on Israel-Hamas War

  • Rep. Issa on U.S.-South Asia Relations

  • Campaign 2024: Rep. Dean Phillips Campaigns in Columbia, SC

  • Actors Chris Evans & Mark Kassen at Nat'l Press Club Luncheon

  • Washington Journal: Joseph Bustos

  • Hearing on Economic Development of Native American Land

  • House GOP Holds Second Impeachment Hearing Against Homeland Secretary, Part 1

  • House GOP Holds Second Impeachment Hearing Against Homeland Secretary, Part 2