C-SPAN 2 TV Schedule

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February 7, 2024

  • Rep. Matt Gaetz & GOP Lawmakers on Rewriting Fmr. Pres. Trump's Role in Jan. 6 Attack

  • Senate Republican Leader Discusses Legislative Agenda

  • Senate Democratic Leader Discusses Legislative Agenda

  • Rep. Frank Lucas on Threats Posed by China

  • Defense Department Leaders Testify on Poor Living Conditions in Military Barracks

  • Washington Journal: Open Phones

  • President Biden Hosts Reception for Black History Month

  • Washington Journal: Rep. Mark Pocan

  • U.S. Senate: 02/07/2024

  • Campaign 2024: Poor People's Campaign Co-Chairs Hold News Conference

  • Defense Department Leaders Testify on Poor Living Conditions in Military Barracks

  • Georgia Secretary of State Discusses Election Security

  • U.S. Senate: Majority Leader Schumer on Border-Foreign Aid

  • U.S. Senate: Sens. Cornyn & McConnell on Border-Foreign Aid

  • U.S. Senate: Re-air UK Sen. James Lankford R-OK on Border Security-Foreign Aid Bill'

  • U.S. Senate: Sen. Kyrsten Sinema I-AZ on Border Security-Foreign Aid Bill

  • Washington Journal: Rep. Tom McClintock

  • CBO Director on 10-Year Budget & Economic Outlook

  • Roundtable With Venezuelan Opposition Leader on Capitol Hill

  • Georgia Secretary of State Discusses Election Security

  • U.S. Senate: Majority Leader Schumer on Border-Foreign Aid

  • U.S. Senate: Sens. Cornyn & McConnell on Border-Foreign Aid

  • U.S. Senate: Re-air UK Sen. James Lankford R-OK on Border Security-Foreign Aid Bill'

  • U.S. Senate: Sen. Kyrsten Sinema I-AZ on Border Security-Foreign Aid Bill

  • Secretary of State Holds News Conference in Israel

  • CBO Director on 10-Year Budget & Economic Outlook

  • Roundtable With Venezuelan Opposition Leader on Capitol Hill

  • Consulting Company Executives Testify on Foreign Influence