C-SPAN 3 TV Schedule

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March 29, 2017

  • Senate Appropriations Hearing on Defense Readiness

  • AIPAC POLICY - McConnell, Schumer, Pelosi, McSally

  • Key Capitol Hill Hearings

  • House Appropriations Hearing on Health & Human Services Budget

  • Rep. Lowey D-NY and Rep. Granger R-TX

  • Amb. Haley

  • Speaker Ryan R-WI

  • Rep. Hoyer D-MD and Rep. McCarthy R-CA

  • Rep. Napolitano D-CA

  • 1967 Six-Day War Panel

  • Stephen Harper at AIPAC Policy Conference

  • Prime Minister's Questions: 03/29/2017

  • Hearing on the Military's Pilot Shortage

  • Supreme Court - Moore V. Texas

  • Campaign 2018: White House Briefing

  • SEC Chair Nomination

  • Package for U.S. Amb. to Israel Swearing-In

  • House Appropriations Hearing on Health & Human Services Budget

  • Hearing on the Military's Pilot Shortage

  • HSE APPROPS - CPB Budget

  • House Appropriations Hearing on Health & Human Services Budget

  • Hearing on the Military's Pilot Shortage

  • HSE APPROPS - CPB Budget