C-SPAN 3 TV Schedule

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May 5, 2020

  • Reel America: President Richard Nixon on the Situation in Southeast Asia - 1970

  • Reel America: Amendment to End the Vietnam War- 1970

  • Reel America: "And Another Family for Peace" - 1971

  • 1970 Kent State Photographs

  • Kent State 50 Years Later

  • Kent State 50th Anniversary Program

  • Reel America: President Richard Nixon on the Situation in Southeast Asia - 1970

  • Reel America: Amendment to End the Vietnam War- 1970

  • Reel America: "And Another Family for Peace" - 1971

  • 1970 Kent State Photographs

  • Kent State 50 Years Later

  • Kent State 50th Anniversary Program

  • Reel America: President Richard Nixon on the Situation in Southeast Asia - 1970

  • Reel America: Amendment to End the Vietnam War- 1970

  • Reel America: "And Another Family for Peace" - 1971

  • 1970 Kent State Photographs

  • Kent State 50 Years Later

  • Kent State 50th Anniversary Program

  • American Artifacts: Cold War Museum

  • The Idea of "Deep State" in American History

  • Reel America: "Decade of NATO" - 1959

  • Covert Intervention in Foreign Wars

  • Lectures in History: The Cold War in American Photography

  • History Bookshelf: Jim Rasenberger, "The Brilliant Disaster"

  • American Artifacts: Cold War Museum

  • The Idea of "Deep State" in American History

  • Reel America: "Decade of NATO" - 1959

  • Covert Intervention in Foreign Wars

  • Lectures in History: The Cold War in American Photography