C-SPAN 3 TV Schedule

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October 7, 2020

  • The Contenders: James Blaine

  • Remembering President James Garfield

  • History Bookshelf: Matthew Algeo, "The President Is a Sick Man"

  • James Garfield Assassination

  • The Contenders: James Blaine

  • Remembering President James Garfield

  • History Bookshelf: Matthew Algeo, "The President Is a Sick Man"

  • James Garfield Assassination

  • The Contenders: James Blaine

  • Remembering President James Garfield

  • The Contenders: William Jennings Bryan

  • History Bookshelf: Robert Merry, "President McKinley"

  • Lectures in History: Unrest & Reform in the Gilded Age

  • Lectures in History: 20th Century Fundamentalism and Pentecostalism

  • The Contenders: William Jennings Bryan

  • History Bookshelf: Robert Merry, "President McKinley"

  • Lectures in History: Unrest & Reform in the Gilded Age

  • Lectures in History: 20th Century Fundamentalism and Pentecostalism

  • The Contenders: William Jennings Bryan