C-SPAN Radio Schedule

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February 1, 2024

  • Washington Journal: 02/01/2024Live

  • U.S. House of Representatives: 02/01/2024

  • Pres. Biden & Party Leaders at National Prayer Breakfast

  • Defense Secretary Austin Holds Press Briefing

  • House Democratic Leader on Legislative Agenda

  • Fmr. Sec. of State Pompeo & Fmr. Defense Sec. Panetta Testify on China's Foreign Policy

  • Veterans Affairs Dept. Officials Testify on Data Privacy & AI

  • Rep. Issa on U.S.-South Asia Relations

  • Washington Journal: Ryan Burge

  • Washington TodayLive

  • Washington Today

  • Defense Secretary Austin Holds Press Briefing

  • Pres. Biden & Party Leaders at National Prayer Breakfast

  • House Democratic Leader on Legislative Agenda

  • Washington Today

  • Washington Today

  • Rep. Issa on U.S.-South Asia Relations

  • Defense Secretary Austin Holds Press Briefing

  • Pres. Biden & Party Leaders at National Prayer Breakfast

  • House Democratic Leader on Legislative Agenda

  • Veterans Affairs Dept. Officials Testify on Data Privacy & AI

  • Campaign 2024: Rep. James Clyburn D-SC Discusses Democratic Campaign Messaging

  • Rep. Issa on U.S.-South Asia Relations

  • House Democratic Leader on Legislative Agenda

  • Pres. Biden & Party Leaders at National Prayer Breakfast

  • Defense Secretary Austin Holds Press Briefing