C-SPAN Radio Schedule

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February 19, 2024

  • Washington Journal: 02/19/2024Live

  • Washington Journal: Washington Journal

  • After Words: Coleman Hughes, "The End of Race Politics - Arguments for a Colorblind America"

  • Christopher Liddell, "Year Zero - The Five-Year Presidency"

  • Lee McIntyre, "On Disinformation"

  • Martha Hodes, "My Hijacking"

  • About Books: Mary Beth Tinker on Book Bans & Free Speech

  • After Words: Andrew Curran, "Who's Black and Why?

  • Nikhil Goyal, "Live to See the Day - Coming of Age in American Poverty"

  • Author Discussion on the Crisis of Masculinity

  • Scott Shane, "Flee North"

  • Thomas Swick, "Falling Into Place"

  • About Books: Brad Meltzer's Ordinary People Change the World Series

  • After Words: Andrew Curran, "Who's Black and Why?

  • Nikhil Goyal, "Live to See the Day - Coming of Age in American Poverty"

  • Author Discussion on the Crisis of Masculinity

  • Scott Shane, "Flee North"

  • Thomas Swick, "Falling Into Place"

  • After Words: Andrew Curran, "Who's Black and Why?

  • Christopher Liddell, "Year Zero - The Five-Year Presidency"

  • Lee McIntyre, "On Disinformation"